Environmental policy

Derome shall - through continually working for an improved environment - influence and contribute to lasting and sustainable community development.

The objective, which characterises our environment work, is to:

  • always stress and emphasize the positive impact on the climate and on nature’s own cycle achieved through the use of the forest and wood in all its forms.
  • strive for more efficient energy consumption and resource economy.
  • reduce and in time stop the use of harmful and environmentally hazardous substances.
  • always observe the environment and climate impact that arises in the continuous improvement of our operations.

We shall achieve this by:

  • our efforts are governed by what is ecologically motivated, technically possible and economically feasible. This means that our environmental work must be characterised by an holistic approach and operated to achieve continuous improvements, where each company is responsible that the environment policy is observed and that environmental work progresses.
  • ensuring that all employees have the knowledge and motivation to conduct their duties in a committed, environmental and responsible fashion.
  • having an on-going dialogue with customers, the authorities, suppliers and the general public, which means that our environmental work fully conforms with applicable customer requirements, legislation and other regulatory provisions.
  • being a wood processing industry and consumer of silvicultural raw material, operate according to the requirements and intentions demanded of an environmentally certified forestry business and as far as possible, ensure that the raw material does not come from illegal or unauthorised harvesting as well as key habitats.
  • continuously work so that the products we manufacture or sell and the material they are made of, are possible to reuse, recycle or finally be disposed of with the least possible use of resources and without causing harm to the climate or environment.
  • minimising waste and as far as possible recycle our residue into new products or new energy and in our operations act to prevent pollution in all its forms.

The environmental work of Derome is created through the commitment of each employee.

Document library

Certificates, declarations & policies

You will find aelated documentation regarding policies, declarations of performance and certificates in the document library.